Very Refreshing and the taste is fantastic!!!

Eternal Ice drinking water
Access to clean and safe drinking water is the foundation of health and well-being.
Very Refreshing and the taste is fantastic!!!
Access to clean and safe drinking water is the foundation of health and well-being.
Our mission is to provide access to clean and safe drinking water while creating economic opportunity for those living in Our communities, particularly women and girls.
Stephen’s concerns about clean drinking water go back to his childhood in a rural village outside of Accra, Ghana. His earliest memories recall the struggles of his family and others in the village to find clean water. Early each morning before school, he would walk for many miles to the nearest stream to help collect water for his family. After collecting water, his family still had to worry about its suitability for drinking and saw many suffer from illness tied to drinking unsafe water. Stephen ultimately had the opportunity to move to the United States to study and pursue a successful career and start a family with his wife, Karen.
Karen, an accomplished financial management professional, returned to Ghana with Stephen and their children to visit his family and the village where he grew up. During this trip, they were reminded of the importance of clean drinking water and how hard it can be, even today, to have access to safe water. Knowing that clean water would be difficult to obtain in Stephen’s village, the family stopped to purchase “clean” water that they could consume while traveling. Not long after beginning their trip to the village, Stephen began to feel unwell and eventually required emergency hospitalization. Upon closer inspection of the water the family had purchased, they realized that it was severely contaminated and had caused Stephen’s illness.
As a protective mother and wife, Karen was concern and wondered why safe drinking water wasn’t widely available in Ghana. Even if clean water couldn’t be easily accessible from a faucet, it should certainly be safe when you purchase it and it shouldn’t be expensive. Every mother, including her, should be able to buy water that is clean and safe for their children. And that is how the Eternal Water company was born. Karen and Stephen realized that they could help be a part of the solution by starting a company that produces water of the highest quality and make sure that it was affordable and accessible to families in Ghana. Not only would they start a company to provide clean water, they would also create stable and good paying jobs, that would allow others to escape poverty and provide for their families.
The lack of clean drinking water is a severe public health concern in Ghana, contributing to 70% of diseases in Ghana according to water supply and sanitation in Ghana.
Due to unclean water and improper sanitation, Ghana has 1,000 children under five years old dying each year from diarrhea, caused by polluted water.
The water that they get from ponds, lakes or rivers is of bad quality. Consequently, households without access to clean water are forced to use less reliable and hygienic sources. Growing up in my Village, I walked couple miles along an uncharted forest area to go and fetch a bucket of water from a stream for our daily use. I remembered having a very severe waterborne disease including typhoid,cholera, diarrhea.
Widespread, sustainable investments are needed to make water and sanitation universally available in Ghana. However, there is a growing and immediate need to provide access to safe and affordable drinking water.
Currently, Eternal Water produces a very high quality sachet drinking water each day— using a very modern State of the Art Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Technology to extract the water from underground and processed it for consumption. In addition to producing safe drinking water to the communities in Ghana, Eternal Water has also employed many youth, men and women especially the vulnerable. 80% of Eternal Water workforce and suppliers are women and girls who are otherwise will be on the street unemployed. Eternal Water vision of expansion is to start producing bottle water across Ghana and hire over 100 women and girls and the vulnerable. Eternal Water is committed to healing one community at a time by serving each community with clean and safe drinking water and also ensuring that new employment opportunities created directly benefit women, and the country Ghana as a whole. Eternal Water purification process has been inspected, certify and approved by both Ghana FDA and GSA. Knowing the social economic impact of drinking water in Ghana, Eternal water is also committed to supply the product to our customers at a very reduce and affordable rate.
General Questions:
Customer Service:
Phone/Whatsapp: (024)-136-1717
Sales: (024)-136-1717
Office: (024)-136-1711
Eternal Water, LLC Amrahia Point One Behind ECG Office Amrahia Accra, Ghana , *GPS: GM-189-8827
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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